What to preach on?

Before I go on with this, please note that I’m not meaning to be churlish – honest!

It’s just that a week on Sunday (June 29) is my last “official” Sunday at Cemetery Road Baptist Church, where (for those who don’t know), I’ve spent the last year as part of my training for becoming a minister.  And Nigel, the minister, has given me a free choice of what I preach on, rather than have me fit in with the current series that’s being looked at.

Which is great, except I haven’t a clue what to preach on!  It’s a bit like when you were at school and were given a blank piece of paper and told to “draw something”.  But what?  You had the whole of the world to choose from – how could you decide?

Similarly here: I’ve got the whole of the Bible (pretty much) to choose from.  Do I just go with the lectionary readings for that week?  Do I revisit one of my old sermons?  Do I choose something that’s vaguely related to moving on?  I’m really, really, stuck!!